Photo Credit: Vivian Yess Wadlin
Roosevelts at Hyde Park
Roosevelts at Hyde Park
FDR and Hyde Park
The Roosevelt Presidency spanned twelve years and encompassed some of the greatest challenges that this country has ever had to face. Through Depression and War, Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt were ever-present, reassuring and renewing the faith of the American people. They reminded Americans that their country had faced crises before, but had overcome them with a combination of courage, skill, and determination. They were long-time Hudson River Valley residents, with the Roosevelt Estate in Hyde Park always acting as a return destination, and eventually a final resting place. We have offered brief overviews of both Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Eleanor Roosevelt, along with links directing our website visitors to other sources of information. In particular, we have highlighted the continued operation of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum. We also have a link to our Learning section, which contains many Roosevelt-themed lesson plans. In the coming semesters, we plan to add much more content, including original essays.
Eleanor Roosevelt
Related Information:
Lesson Plans
Find articles about Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt in The Review
Roosevelt Estate