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Read The Review Online

Read The Review Online

Mar 16, 2020

detail of courier and Ives print showing two men on a bluff overlooking the Hudson River through the mountains of the highlands. Sailboats are on the river in the midground and distance.

We've made all our issues available online!

As we all look for ways to keep busy during this period of social distancing, we at HRVI have decided to make the all issues of The Hudson River Valley River available online in full-text for a limited time. Just visit the Back Issues page, browse the covers, and click on the issue that you would like to read. Then, let us know what you are reading and how you are using it! There are articles for regional enthusiasts, armchair historians, would-be visitors, teachers, students, and doctoral candidates alike.


The Review is a biannual, peer-reviewed journal of regional studies that takes an interdisciplinary approach to the diverse history of the Hudson River Valley. During this challenging time, HRVI invites you take advantage of this digital resource and peruse the nearly twenty years of articles, regional history forums, book reviews and more available on HRVI’s Digital Library. The articles and forums published in The Review also offer a great resource for parents who suddenly find themselves in the always challenging role of teacher. We hope everyone is staying safe and we are looking forward to resuming our regular programming calendar as soon as we can!