Photo Credit: Vivian Yess Wadlin

Lesson Plans Lesson Plans

We currently offer lesson plans that were developed by Marist undergraduates with faculty supervision, lessons developed and tested by teachers in our "America's Promise: 400 Years of Defining the American Dream" Project, made possible by a Teaching American History grant from the U.S. Department of Education and Dutchess and Ulster County BOCES, and a general overview unit on the American Revolution developed by Heather Oehme (Marist '03). We also provide lessons that incorporate materials published in The Hudson River Valley Review. Teaching the Hudson River Valley Review lessons were developed jointly by a history professor, a high-school teacher, and an educational psychologist. All of the lessons presented meet New York State Learning Standards for the grades indicated.


American History through the Lens of the Supreme Court

Beyond Europe: Asian and Caribbean Emigration to the United States

Colonial Era

Corridor of Commerce


Henry Hudson and the Clash of Cultures in the New World

Hudson River Valley Artists & Writers

Modern Era

Presidential Leadership During Wartime

Pursuing Justice in the Modern World: Eleanor Roosevelt & American History

Slavery and the Underground Railroad in the Hudson River Valley

Social Movements, Social Justice, and the Expansion of American Democracy

The American Revolution in the Hudson River Valley

The Civil Rights Movement