Photo Credit: Vivian Yess Wadlin
Lesson Plans Lesson Plans
We currently offer lesson plans that were developed by Marist undergraduates with faculty supervision, lessons developed and tested by teachers in our "America's Promise: 400 Years of Defining the American Dream" Project, made possible by a Teaching American History grant from the U.S. Department of Education and Dutchess and Ulster County BOCES, and a general overview unit on the American Revolution developed by Heather Oehme (Marist '03). We also provide lessons that incorporate materials published in The Hudson River Valley Review. Teaching the Hudson River Valley Review lessons were developed jointly by a history professor, a high-school teacher, and an educational psychologist. All of the lessons presented meet New York State Learning Standards for the grades indicated.
American History through the Lens of the Supreme Court
- Supreme Court Vocabulary Lesson Plan (Grades 9-12)
- Does the Supreme Court Affect Teens?: A Survey of Court Cases (Grades 9-12)
- Schenck v. United States, Lesson Plan (Grade 11)
- James McBride's The Color of Water, Lesson Plan (Grade 11)
- Korematsu v. United States, Lesson Plan (Grade 11)
- The United States Supreme Court as an agent of Social Change, Lesson Plan (Grade 11)
Beyond Europe: Asian and Caribbean Emigration to the United States
- Coming to America: Myths versus Reality (Grade 8)
- Compare/Contrast Immigrant Groups (Grade 8)
- Comparing Immigrant Experiences While Constructing Learning Centers (Grades 7-12)
- 19th Century Chinese Immigration (Grades 11-12)
- Chinese Immigration and Migration in the 19th Century (Grade 9)
- The Chinese Experience in America (Grade 8)
- Field Trip to Staatsburgh Mansion
- Charting Immigration (Grades 9-12)
- BEYOND EUROPE- Asian Emigration to the U.S. in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries (Grade 8)
- Anti-Chinese Movement and the Chinese Exclusion Act (Grade 8)
- The Impact of Globalization on Immigration Policies (Grades 10-12)
Colonial Era
- French and Indian War
- Huguenot Street, New Paltz Lesson Plan (Grade 6; Adaptable Up to Grade 9)
- Huguenot Street Lesson Plan (Grade 3)
- Puzzle Pieces of Architectural Elements on Early Huguenot Street (Grade 5)
- History of Huguenot Street (Grade 5)
- The Houses of Huguenot Street (Grade 5)
- Lesson Plan- Huguenot Street (Grade 5)
- Abraham Hasbrouck House (Grade 7)
- Burial Ground (Grade 7; Adaptable Up to Grade 9)
- Huguenot Street: The Church and Family Life (Grade 5; Adaptable Up to Grade 9)
- Jean Hasbrouck House (Grade 5; Adaptable to Grade 9)
- Dutch and Native American Interactions in the Hudson Valley (Grade 7)
Corridor of Commerce
- Civil Liberties and War Powers. Korematsu v. United States (1944) (Grade 11)
- Eleanor Roosevelt & Human Rights (Grade 8)
- Japanese Internment During WWII (Grades 5-12)
- Internment: Fears, Justifications, Endurance, Reaction, & Apology (Grades 8 & 11)
- Women and Children in the Great Depression (Grade 8)
- The Manhattan Project (Grade 11)
- FDR: Court Packing or Court Reform (Grade 8)
- The Roosevelt Administration and Messages for Today (Grades 8 & 11)
- The Impact of the Great Depression on Teenagers (Grade 8)
Henry Hudson and the Clash of Cultures in the New World
Hudson River Valley Artists & Writers
- John Burroughs Lesson Plan (Grade 4)
- Painting the Hudson River Valley: Frederic Church (A Teaching the Hudson River Valley Review Lesson)
- Jasper Cropsey Lesson Plan (Grades 6-8; Adaptable Down to Grade 5)
- Locust Grove: Samuel F.B. Morse's DIY Estate (A Teaching the Hudson River Valley Review Lesson)
- It All Began at Hyde Park: Landscape Architecture in America (A Teaching the Hudson River Valley Review Lesson)
- Thomas Prichard Rossiter Lesson Plan (Grades 6-7; Adaptable From Grades 5-11)
- Writing the Hudson River Valley: Edith Wharton (A Teaching the Hudson River Valley Review Lesson)
Modern Era
Presidential Leadership During Wartime
- Nixon’s decision to bomb Cambodia (Grade 11th US History & Government, 12th PIG)
- US Military History (Grade 7)
- History as an Interpretive Discipline (Grade 8)
- American Imperialism in the late 1800s (Grade 8)
- Presidential "Hats" (Grades 7th and 8th)
- Advice to Future United States Presidents Regarding Civil Liberties (Grade 11)
- The President as Commander and Chief (Grade 12)
- Lincoln the War Leader (Grade 11)
- Causes of United States Entry into WWI (Grade 11)
- Civil Liberties and Presidential Power (Grade 6-8, Grade 12 Honors)
- Assessing Leadership Qualities (Grade 9-12)
- George vs. George: The Nature of a Presidential Leader (Grade 11)
- How Would You Evaluate President Wilson as a Commander-In-Chief? (Grade 11)
- Presidential Powers: Expressed and Unwritten (Grade 11 Regents, Grade 12 A.P.)
- Lincoln and the Issue of Slavery (Grade 8)
- Migration (Grade 9)
Pursuing Justice in the Modern World: Eleanor Roosevelt & American History
Slavery and the Underground Railroad in the Hudson River Valley
Social Movements, Social Justice, and the Expansion of American Democracy
The American Revolution in the Hudson River Valley
- A Suspected Loyalist: Roeloff Josiah Eltinge (Grades 11-12)
- Women Rioters of the American Revolution (Grades 11-12)
- Causes of American Revolution (Grade 11)
- An Empire in the Balance (Grade 11, A.P.)
- Battle of Saratoga (Grade 11)
- Benedict Arnold Lesson Plan (Grade 4)
- Locating and Constructing the Chain Across the Hudson (Grade 4)
- Economics of the Revolution (Grade 7,11)
- Geography of the American Revolution (Grade 11, A.P.)
- Loyalists in the American Revolution (Grade 7,8)
- Mapping the Revolution in the Hudson Valley (Grade 4)
- New York Constitutional Ratification Convention Lesson Plan
- Stamp Act: Virtual Representation vs. Actual Representation (Grade 11)
- Sybil Ludington (Grade 4)
- Timeline of the Revolution (Grade 4)
- Full "Unit Plan" on the American Revolution (Grade 4)
- Washington's Encampment at Fredericksburgh (Grade 7)
- Declaration of Independence (Grade 5)
- Articles of Confederation Unit Plan (Grade 11)
The Civil Rights Movement
- Music and the Civil Rights Movement (Grades 7-8)
- Struggle for Civil Rights: African American Women (Grades 11-12)
- The Civil Rights Movement (Grade 11)
- Revolutionaries in the Civil Rights Movement (Grade 8)
- Putting the American Civil Rights Movement into an International Context (Grades 9-10)
- The American Dream (Grade 10)
- Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Grade 12)