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Volume 36, Number 2, Spring 2020

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Fluid Loyalism at the Forge: The Sterling Ironworks and The American Revolution, Charles Dewey

Thomas Pim Cope and Charles Brockden Brown: Diarists on the Hudson, James Ryan

Dick Connell: FDR’s First Political Mentor, Laurence M. Hauptman

Notes and Documents

When Steel Rails, Glass Bottles, and Fresh Cream Ruled the Country, Alex Prizgintas

Regional History Forum If Windows Could See: The Historic Blooming Grove Church, Michael J. Matsler

Book Reviews

The Majestic Nature of the North: Thomas Kelah Wharton’s Journeys in Antebellum America through the Hudson River Valley and New England, edited by Steven A. Walton and Michael J. Armstrong, reviewed by Robert Chiles

The Architecture of Downtown Troy: An Illustrated History, by Diana S. Waite, reviewed by William B. Rhoads

Mohonk and the Smileys: A National Historic Landmark and the Family that Created It, by Larry E. Burgess, reviewed by Susan Fox Rogers

Saving the Shawangunks: The Struggle to Protect One of Earth’s Last Great Places, by Carleton Mabee, photographs by Nora Scarlett, reviewed by Michael Conrad