Photo Credit: Vivian Yess Wadlin

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Hudson Fulton Champlain Quadricentennial

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Hudson Fulton Champlain Quadricentennial Resources


Governor George E. Pataki signed into law legislation establishing the new Hudson-Fulton-Champlain Quadricentennial Commission on February 13, 2002. This Commission planned and developed the 400th anniversary celebrations of the voyages of discovery made by Henry Hudson and Samuel de Champlain, as well as 200th anniversary of Robert Fulton's steamship voyage along the Hudson River.

We were involved in the Quadricentennial celebrations throughout 2009, and put on several events of our own. It was wonderful to see so many excited about New York's history and to hear what's in store for our future. With America's first river, the Hudson, in the background, the Quadricentennial in the Hudson River Valley celebrated the area's significance in the growth and development of America. 

We have added original essays, primary documents, and coverage of all the Quadricentennial events. Additionally we have compiled a wealth of information which was already available. Much gratitude should be shown for the many dedicated individuals and organizations who have kept these explorer's legacies alive.

Henry Hudson Links

Beyond Mannahatta (and before Manhattan)

Hudson River Maritime Museum page on Henry Hudson

The Annals of New Netherland, a republication project of the New Netherland Institute


Robert Fulton Links

Friends of Clermont State Historic Site
Comprehensive guide to the features and programming of the Clermont State Historic Site.

Inventor of the Week Archive: Robert Fulton - MIT
A look at Fulton’s innovation from a technical and industrial perspective.

Gibbons v. Ogden - Landmark Supreme Court Cases
An intersection between states’ right, the Commerce Clause, and steampower.

The Treatise on the Improvement of Canal Navigation by Robert Fulton (1796)

The Life of Robert Fulton by his friend Cadwallader Colden (1817)

Robert Fulton by Robert Henry Thurston (1891)

Robert Fulton, Engineer and Artist by Henry Winram Dickinson (1912)

The Life of Robert Fulton and A History of Steam Navigation by Thomas Wallace Knox(1887)


Samuel De Champlain Links

Champlain Society
The Champlain Society offers an online Digital Collection, with resources spanning 400 years, describing Canada’s history. The Society also hosts public events and publishes papers to promote interest in Canadian history.

Historian Stan Klos' page on Champlain with related links
Stan Klos offers a quick, informative biography of Samuel de Champlain with a supplementary video.

Virtual Museum of New-France: Samuel de Champlain
The Canadian Museum of Civilizations hosts the Virtual Museum of New France, featuring interactive, informative exhibits.

1605 map of Plymouth Harbor, New England, and account of his running aground at Plymouth (PDF)
This site by the Pilgrim Hall Museum showcases de Champlain’s hand-drawn map of Plymouth Harbor and an account of running aground in the harbor in 1605.

Samuel de Champlain 1607 map of New France
View de Champlain’s hand-drawn map of the New England and Canadian coast here.

View the e-text of Champlain's Voyages - Volume 1 (full text), Volume 2 (full text), and Volume 3 (full text) at Project Gutenberg to read de Champlain’s 1613 account of his explorations.

Lake Champlain Maritime Museum
The museum interprets the "maritime history and nautical archaeology of the Champlain Valley through hands-on exhibits, videos and audio displays, and historical artifacts." The Museum also maintains the Philadelphia II, a replica of a 1776 gunboat, and the Louis McLure, a replica 1862 canal schooner.

France in America - Digital library of sources
This bilingual digital library of maps, images, books, and other resources is organized around the theme of French and U.S. relations, particularly the exploration and settlement of the North American continent and other pivotal events, including the American Revolution, the French and Indian War, and the Louisiana Purchase.


Walkway Over the Hudson

Click here for The Walkway Over the Hudson Official Website
Click here for The Walkway Over the Hudson Oral History page
Click here for transcripts of The Walkway Over the Hudson oral histories


Related Information:

Lesson Plans
Quadricentennial in The Review 
Student Works