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Photo Credit: Vivian Yess Wadlin
About The Hudson River Valley Review
The Hudson River Valley Review takes an eclectic and interdisciplinary approach to the region and regionalism. It publishes essays, photographs, paintings, documents, and book and art reviews, and it is ready to consider other forms of intellectual achievement. The Review was founded at Bard College in 1984 as The Hudson Valley Regional Review. The Hudson River Valley Institute at Marist assumed publication in 2003 and has since implemented a peer-review process for article submissions and increased both the diversity of content and readership. Our online archives and back issues represent the full collections of HRVR as well as HVRR.
The Review is published bianually, with new issues each spring and autumn.
Editorial Board
Thomas S. Wermuth, Vice President of Academic Affairs, Marist University, Chair
Myra Young Armstead, Lyford Paterson Edwards and Helen Gray Edwards Professor of Historical Studies, Bard College
Kerry Dean Carso, Professor of Art History, State University of New York at New Paltz
Thomas A. Chambers, Professor of History and Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, Canisius College
Robert Chiles, Senior Lecturer, Department of History, University of Maryland
Michael Groth, Professor of History, Frances Tarlton Farenthold Presidential Professor, Wells College
Susan Ingalls Lewis, Associate Professor of History Emeritus, State University of New York at New Paltz
Tom Lewis, Professor Emeritus of English, Skidmore College
Roger Panetta, Visiting Professor of History, Fordham University
H. Daniel Peck, Professor Emeritus of English, Vassar College
Robyn L. Rosen, Professor of History, Marist University
Nancy Siegel, Professor of Art History & Culinary History, and Director of Museum Studies, Towson University
David Woolner, Senior Fellow, Roosevelt Institute, Hyde Park
COL Gail Yoshitani, Professor and Head, Department of History, U.S. Military Academy
Editors Present:
Christopher Pryslopski
Reed Sparling
Editors Past:
Richard C. Wiles - Bard College
William Wilson - Bard College
Business Manager:
Andrew Villani
Art Director:
Alice Teixeira, Accurapid - The Language Service
Telephone: 845-575-3052
Fax: 845-575-3416
E-mail: hrvi@Marist.edu
Web: http://www.hudsonrivervalley.org/review/
The subscription rate is $20 for a one-year subscription (two issues) and $35 for a two-year subscription (four issues)
Submission of Essays:
HRVR invites essays and other materials related to the Hudson River Valley and to regionalism as a concept. Manuscripts, book reviews, and related correspondence may be mailed to:
Hudson River Valley Review
Hudson River Valley Institute
3399 North Road
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601-1387