Web Content Display
Volume 40, Number 1, Autumn 2023 
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“As Beautiful as the Catskill Woods”: Women of the Hudson River School Paint the Hudson Valley, Nancy Siegel
“We Are Not Machines”: Worker Voice and the New York State Farm Laborers Wage Board, Joseph A . McCartin
Windridge, Bengenone, and Architect George E. Harney’s Early Career around Newburgh Bay, 1863–1873, Steven A . Baltsas
Notes and Documents
A Summer Voyage in North America: A Dutch Dominie Explores the Hudson Valley, translated with an introduction by Marcel Dijkers
Regional History Forum
From Theory to Practice: Edith Wharton’s Creation of her Home The Mount, Heather Millman
Book Reviews
Bound by Bondage: Slavery and the Creation of a Northern Gentry, by Nicole Saffold Maskiell, reviewed by Zachary Veith
Fort Ticonderoga, The Last Campaigns: The War in the North, 1777–1783, by Mark Edward Lender, reviewed by James M . Johnson
Liberty’s Chain: Slavery, Abolition, and the Jay Family of New York, by David N . Gellman, reviewed by Evan C . Rothera
Follies in America: A History of Garden and Park Architecture, by Kerry Dean Carso, reviewed by Jenna Bennett