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Joe DeLisle, Jr., Marist ‘09

Majored in Political Science - Public Affairs with a minor in Business

What has your career path been to this point?

After graduating, I worked doing some marketing for a small finance advisory firm while, on the weekends, campaigning for an elected position in my hometown. My Saturday and Sunday afternoons were spent canvassing the town and asking voters to consider voting for me in the November election. By every account, I was the underdog. My party was outnumbered 2-1 on registrations, my opponent was active in our local Lions Club and a member of the Board of Finance, plus his wife was the chairwoman of the Board of Education. However, I was able to pull off the upset winning by all of 18 votes. I took office the day after the automatic recount due to the close nature of the election and was able to deliver on my campaign promises so I ended up being reelected in 2011 with 60% of the vote and in 2013 with over 80% of the vote. (During this time, I also joined a variety of community service centered organizations like the Lions and Jaycees to go along with my Knights of Columbus membership.) While I enjoyed my time in politics running my own and a combination of local and state campaigns, I was being called to serve in another way. I ended up getting a job at a medical trade association just outside of DC called the American Medical Group Association (AMGA). From 2014 to today, I've been part of a dynamic organization focused on transforming healthcare across America. My role specifically has evolved from one focused on member renewals and onboarding to directing our largest and highest rated program that connects C-suite executives from medical groups, health systems, and other organized systems of care to crowdsource ideas, discuss strategies, and share solutions.

Can you share an experience from your time at HRVI that stands out as meaningful?

I'm not sure I can whittle away to one particular experience or memory simply because many of my experiences were meaningful in different magnitudes. Jason, Chris, Andy, and I had many great conversations/dialogues related to our differing views of the world (and other discussions pertaining to nerdier matters). Col. Johnson's demeanor and presence when he came into the office was always very engrossing. My time at HRVI and interactions with everyone mean a lot to me. It's been great to stay in touch with some of the people I met there and I proudly hang the framed poster Col. Johnson gave me when I graduated on the wall in my house.

How has your experience at HRVI helped you advance your education and/or professional pursuits since graduating from Marist?

There are two parts I want to touch on: one big picture and one smaller. The big picture experience was managing the interns while being an intern. Serving as “Sergeant Major” was my first real experience with any authority (however minor it really was) over people. Having to navigate the realities of those people being my same age (one of whom also happened to be my roommate) was a great preparatory experience for when I actually managed people post- graduation. The other item is a product of our work on the oral history for the Walkway Over the Hudson. We walked into each interview with a set of prepared questions, but the real work was listening to what the interviewee was saying and following-up with deeper questions based on what the person said. You weren't just checking off each question - you had to identify where there was room for the person to expand and then move the speaker into that direction. This ended up being training for active listening that has been so useful across every aspect of my life whether personal or professional.

As HRVI celebrates its 20th anniversary in 2022, do you have any advice for future HRVI interns based on your time at HRVI and your experience in your professional field?

Don't just clock in and clock out. Really develop relationships with as many people as possible - especially those you're in contact with who aren't necessarily part of the core of HRVI (though you should develop relationships with them as well). If you see something that could be improved on, improve it yourself. If you see an area in which you could really assist, point it out. Be an advocate for yourself, take on responsibility, and help others.