Fort Arnold/Clinton Fort Arnold/Clinton


United States Military Academy West Point, NY

Phone: (845) 938-2203/3590


Historical Description:

Originally known as Fort (James) Clinton after the colonel of the regiment which had constructed it, it became Fort Arnold in April 1778, after the hero of Saratoga, General Benedict Arnold. The fort's name reverted to Fort Clinton after Arnold's treason in 1780. Its primary purpose was to defend the water batteries protecting the Great Chain. The Americans held the fortifications at West Point, which include Fort Clinton/Arnold and Fort Putnam, from 1778 to the end of the war in 1783.


The Site:

The site of Fort Clinton is now a part of the USMA at West Point near the famous Trophy Point, and its location is marked by a statue of Thaddeus Kosciuszko (1746 – 1817). The tribute to Kosciuszko at this position is appropriate since he was the person who oversaw the construction of Fort Clinton and most

other fortifications at West Point. The fort clearly commands the river, overlooking the entire strategic bend that the river makes around the point.



Fort Clinton is located near the United States Military Academy at West Point, NY.