John Kane House
John Kane House
126 E. Main St.
Pawling, NY 12564
Phone: (845) 855-9316
Hours: Open May 15-Oct. 15 Saturday and Sunday, 2-4 PM
Historical Description:
In the summer of 1778, General Washington followed General Sir Henry Clinton's army as it evacuated Philadelphia and reinforced the garrison of New York City. He chose to position his forces in the area extending from Danbury, Connecticut, to Newburgh, New York. Washington used the house of Tory John Kane as his headquarters from September to November 1778. The nearby 1764 Oblong Meeting House served as a hospital for Continental Army troops.
The Site:
The portion of the John Kane used by General Washington is the present kitchen wing. The Slocum-Watts family razed the rest of the house around 1820 and built the present Federal style structure. The house has exhibits about the town of Pawling in the Pawling Room and a Lowell Thomas Room. There is a gift shop. Nearby Purgatory Hill was the site of the great Ox Roast celebrating the first anniversary of the American victory at Saratoga.
Take Route 22 north from Interstate 84. Turn left onto Main Street.