The Neversink Valley Museum of History and Innovation The Neversink Valley Museum of History and Innovation

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The Neversink Valley Museum of History and Innovation

Neversink Valley Museum of History and Innovation

26 Hoag Road, Cuddebackville,

New York 12729

Hours: Open from April through October, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, from noon to 4 pm. Appointments can be made just call.

Notes: Adults are $3.00, children are $1.50, and anyone under the age of six is free admission. 

Phone: (845)-754-8870


Historical Description:

Founded in 1967, The Neversink Valley Area Museum was formed by a group of citizens and local organizations concerned about preserving the area. There had been rapid development around the area that was inching closer to threatening to destroy the historic area. The community worked together, and with the help of representatives from the New York State Council on the Arts, was able to form a museum with the intention of preserving and interpreting the history of the Neversink Valley. The museum’s focus was to be about the Delaware and Hudson Canal. The canal was a major influence in the development of the area as it aided in transporting coal from Honesdale, Pennsylvania to Kingston, New York from 1828-1898.


The Site:

The Neversink Valley Area Museum is a great place for educators to take students on field trips to visit. The museum contains a vast array of artifacts from the Delaware & Hudson Canal, also on the museum campus is a working blacksmith shop, on display are many different blacksmithing tools and various carpentry tools. Farming is represented at the museum as well showing off the numerous tools used for farming in the area and these tools document the progress that agriculture technology made in the 1800’s. On top of the information mentioned above, many artifacts and photographs from around the Neversink Valley are on display as is their growing collection of silent movies that were made in the area from 1909-1912.



From Port Jervis, take Rt. 209 10 miles north or

From Rt. 17 (the Quickway) take exit #113 and head 10 miles south

The Museum is located in the Delaware & Hudson Canal Park on Rt. 209.

A good landmark is the green iron bridge over the Neversink River just south of the park.