Asset Publisher
Volume 21 Number 1
Volume 21 Number 1
Author | Title | Topic | Volume | Year |
Author | Title | Topic | Volume | Year |
Krattinger, William | Conspicuous but Endangered Landmarks: Alexander Jackon Davis's Dutch Reformed Church and Plumb-Bronson House | Art, Architecture, and Literature | Vol. 21, No. 1 | 2004 |
Pryslopski, Christopher | A Thoroughly Modern Conundrum: Paul Rudolph's Orange County Government Center | Intellectual, Social and Cultural History | Vol. 21, No. 1 | 2004 |
Toole, Robert M. | "The Art of Landscape Gardener": Frederic Church at Olana | Art, Architecture, and Literature | Vol. 21, No. 1 | 2004 |
Wheeler, Walter Richard | "Many new houses have lately been built in this city, all in the modern style...": The Introduction of the Gambrel Roof to the Upper Hudson Valley | Art, Architecture, and Literature | Vol. 21, No. 1 | 2004 |